New Dresses at the Studio

I make a point to make it very clear that the studio is fully equipped for newborn and baby sessions, having all of the backdrops, props, accessories and outfits needed. But for those of you who don’t know, I also have a small collection of

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Newborn Baby Arya – 2 weeks new

Baby Arya came to visit the portrait studio for her newborn photography session at almost 2 weeks new, 12 days old to be exact. This session was particularly exciting because I had photographed her cousin last year, and it was fun to see the family resemblance.

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Newborn Baby Celine – 7 weeks new

Baby Celine came to visit the portrait studio for her newborn photography session at 7 weeks new; 51 days to be exact. This was one of our ‘newborn petites‘ sessions at the studio, which is a much shorter session than usual, for the purpose of capturing a

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What You Need To Know Before Meeting With An Advisor

When I first met an investment advisor, who technically referred to himself as a financial planner, it was very icky and I ran for the hills. I really wish my 23 year old self knew better, and scouted out a better advisor for ME rather

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Top 7 Baby Gadgets You Don’t Need (And 7 You Do!)

Every soon-to-be parent asks themselves a ton of questions about the upcoming birth of their child, including the typical ‘what do I really need’ question because babies are expensive enough as it is–there is no sense buying all the things, especially ones you don’t actually

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