Prenatal Yoga Can Help Prevent Injury During Childbirth

Childbirth tends to come with a story, commonly known as one’s birth story. Most focus on the positive and the magic of the experience, but there are some where the whole thing was less than ideal. One of the simple ways to prevent injury during

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Newborn Baby Austin – 23 days new

Baby Austin came to visit the portrait studio for his newborn photography session at just over 3 weeks new, at 23 days new to be exact. He slept for a large portion of the session, which allowed for us to get some beautiful images. We even

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What Is A Belly Cast And How Do I Get One?

When I first stumbled upon Dana’s work, I was blown away to find out that these beautiful bowls were not actually made of wood and porcelain, but were actually painted plaster. Then to find out that they were casts of pregnant bellies–mind blown! There is

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Newborn Baby Mikaeel – 10 days new

Baby Mikaeel came to visit the portrait studio for his newborn photography session at almost 2 weeks new, at 10 days new to be exact. All he wanted to do was participate in his session, giving us beautiful wide-eyes almost the whole time. But we managed

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Newborn Baby Rowan – 3 weeks new

Baby Rowan came to visit the portrait studio for his newborn photography session at 3 weeks new; 24 days to be exact. This was one of our ‘newborn petites‘ sessions at the studio, so we could capture some beautiful baby and father connection photos. Once we got

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9 Useful Baby Shower Gifts For The New Mom

Baby showers are such a special time to show a new mom she’s supported by giving her all the essentials she’ll need for when her bundle of joy arrives. But sometimes it can be nice to give a gift that’s meant just for mama. Something

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6 Reasons Why Your Baby Should Know Sign Language

As someone who is fluent in two languages, and has basic skills in in another, being able to communicate with others is second nature to me. To imagine not being able to converse with someone, let alone communicate my basic needs, is somewhat frightening. That’s

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ellie-7-months-sitting-milestone-Ellie-mom-and-baby-flokati-sitter-upcycled-romper, mommy and me photos

Celebrate Mother’s Day with Mommy & Me Photo Sessions

Celebrate mom this year with a Mommy & Me portrait session and give her the gift of forever. studio session 16×24 canvas art piece 10 digital images files This special package is a value of over $1100, and you get it for ONLY $549 so take advantage

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