What is so special about golden hour?

Clients often ask me why I schedule outdoor portrait sessions "so late" when they include babies and toddlers since it is usually at or after their bedtime. Let me start by reassuring you that starting a photoshoot at your kiddo's normal bedtime is NOT a recipe...

Client Closet Wishlist for 2021

Every year the studio puts together a wishlist of amazing garments, gowns, and dresses to add to the client closet, which is available for use by clients during outdoor and studio portrait sessions. This year, I have decided to publish this list and offer a...

Celebrate Mother’s Day with Mommy & Me Photo Sessions

I don't know about you, but I've got two very important women in my life: my mother and my daughter. As a professional photographer, I have put in the effort to capture images of my daughter and I, but the last one with my mother...

Pregnant? Top 3 Overlooked Things You Absolutely Need To Do

Discovering you’re pregnant is a big deal. It can feel like you are on the cusp of a great adventure or the most terrifying undertaking of your life, or both! Either way, you are going to have to start somewhere. Check out the top three...

The Client Closet | Perks Of A Full-Service Studio

We've all been there: looking through our closets for something to wear feeling uninspired, self-conscious about things that don't fit, and longing for something new. Then pregnancy happens and exacerbates it all! Our bodies change in size and in shape so the things that did...

Everything You Need To Know About Baby’s First Foods

When my daughter was a few months old, the conversation of when to start giving her feeds inevitably came up, especially with all of my allergies and her severe eczema. Of course, I was the most educated between the two of us because of my...

13 Questions You Need to Ask When Hiring A Newborn Photographer

Finding a newborn photographer is such an exciting task that can also feel daunting at times because you have no idea what you are looking at beyond pretty pictures and pricing. Here are the top questions you need to ask when hiring a newborn photographer...