5 Easy Ways to Create Variety in Your Albums

Almost every client creates an album with the best images from their portrait session because it means they don't actually have to think about it too much and actually pick their favourites; it's more of a "remove any that you don't want in the album"...

The New Deckled Frames Are Here!

The moment you've been waiting for is here! The new deckled frames are here and I cannot wait for you to get your hands on one of your own. Or two, or twenty-two; you do you. I am always looking to provide the best possible services...

My Top 9 Wardrobe Tips for Outdoor Family Portraits

One of the most common concerns for clients wanting to book a portrait session is wardrobe options. They have no idea what they are going to wear, "nothing" in their closet fits or looks flattering, and their kids outgrow everything so fast so they don't...

What is so special about golden hour?

Clients often ask me why I schedule outdoor portrait sessions "so late" when they include babies and toddlers since it is usually at or after their bedtime. Let me start by reassuring you that starting a photoshoot at your kiddo's normal bedtime is NOT a recipe...

The Client Closet | Perks Of A Full-Service Studio

We've all been there: looking through our closets for something to wear feeling uninspired, self-conscious about things that don't fit, and longing for something new. Then pregnancy happens and exacerbates it all! Our bodies change in size and in shape so the things that did...

13 Questions You Need to Ask When Hiring A Newborn Photographer

Finding a newborn photographer is such an exciting task that can also feel daunting at times because you have no idea what you are looking at beyond pretty pictures and pricing. Here are the top questions you need to ask when hiring a newborn photographer...

The Magic of Retouching | Perks Of A Full-Service Studio

When it comes to editing and retouching, there are so many misconceptions, myths, and magical things that come with it. Let's jump straight into the details and clear it all up, including surprise photo-day acne! Then I'll show you some before & after examples of...