With babywearing week in Canada among us, what better time than to share this informational post about all of the medical benefits to it–in addition to the joy and convenience of the matter. I found an expert to dive into it, and explain the research and the studies, so I leave the floor to Emma.
Medical Benefits of Babywearing
Many things will change when you become a parent. First of all, you can forget on these days when you didn’t know what to do with your spare time. A big portion of your time will now belong to your little treasure, and I’m sure you will enjoy it. Since your baby cant moves alone yet, it is up to you to transport it from point A to point B. Traveling with a newborn can sometimes be a heavy task. Especially, if you live in the places like countryside or mountains, where the stroller is more an obstacle. In those cases is a baby carrier a better option.
The benefits of this transporting are significant. Even a simple daily routine as walking up and down stairs is much harder with a pushchair than with a baby carrier. Moreover, the combination of stairs and carrier could be an excellent form of exercise if done properly. The advantages are everywhere. For instance, you can go to a store without continually saying “excuse me” as you would do with a pushchair in a narrow aisle and you don’t have to feel like an obstacle when getting onto the bus or train. Short distance traveling by car is also more comfortable with a baby carrier, especially when you don’t have so much place in the trunk. Shopping, commuting and other major or minor everyday problems are easier to handle.
All of these mentioned advantages above are mostly practical reasons why to use a baby carrier. But carriers are also great for your child’s health. An interesting fact for me is that carried babies cry less, and that is not just my consideration. In 1986 two researchers from Canada did a study and found that babywearing for three hours a day reduced infant crying by 43 percent overall and 54 percent during evening hours. A Crying baby causes the release of stress hormones in both your baby and you, and everyone knows that it’s better for your health when the stress level is at its minimum.
These days there are many types of baby carriers, and they all got many medical benefits. Because images are the best tool for memorizing things, I have tried to sum up all the main advantages in the beautiful infographic below. I hope you will enjoy it.