Getting family photos captured can be one of the most rewarding experiences, and the results are beautiful—both visually and emotionally. Of course, I would be lying if I told you that capturing those precious moments was easy. There is so much room for error that many opt out of investing in the experience out of fear, whether it is of something specific or of the unknown. Here are the most common problems that can arise during a family photoshoot, and how we can keep them at bay, or diffuse them when they happen. These things do happen; more often than you may think.

What happens when your toddler loses their temper during the photoshoot?
Toddlers tend to be unpredictable, except when it comes to them cooperating and doing what parents want when they want them to—they rarely do. For avoiding the toddler tantrum, it is best to select a location that doesn’t require a lot of travel, to stay in your vehicle until the photographer instructs you to join them, and to keep things quick. It is also helpful to not be on a strict schedule, and to allow for time to regroup and let them rest their mind if they do lose their temper.
What happens when your kids refuse to pose or smile for the camera?

There is no denying that some children will simply refuse to participate in the ‘cheese’ phenomenon—and that’s okay!—candid ‘in-between’ shots are often more meaningful than ‘posey-posed’ portraits anyway. Preparing children at home is a big part of setting proper expectations of what is expected of them during the photoshoot, and allowing them to help pick out their clothing can go a long way towards excitement. And it is important to let the photographer lead the show, and to resist the urge to discipline children during the session so that the experience remains positive for all. Also, we are not above bribery, so make sure you bring their favourite toy or snack to reward them after all is said and done.
What happens when dad wants nothing to do with capturing the photos?
It’s not just kids who can be resentful of the session. More often than not, it’s actually the dads! No tantrum per se, but that sour-puss expression certainly ruins portraits, in addition to tainting the entire experience. Any good photographer can capture beautiful moments in a short period of time, so if you let them do their thing, it can be over much quicker than the allotted time (to account for uncooperative participants). And is it really too much to ask for a few minutes of happiness.
What happens when you wake up with a huge zit on your face?

We’ve all been there—zits and pimples like to show up at the most inopportune moments: right before a first date, your first day of school, or on the day you’re scheduled for family portraits. Do not worry about it; go about your day and regular beauty routine. Professional photographers are also pro retouchers and we can edit out those unflattering and temporary blemishes. It is actually much easier for us to fix a pesky zit than caked-on concealer, so avoid putting on additional makeup.
I’d love to capture your family as they are in the moment, and help you create art for your home. Go ahead and give me a call at 613-371-4594, or use the contact page to send a message to set up a phone consultation, so we can discuss details and customize your experience. While I may specialize in baby’s first year, family sessions are available with children of all ages. Let’s create ART together.