It’s been almost two months since the arrival of my little girl, and after a dozen of various outings, I have finally come to know the essentials and frivolous of the contents of a diaper bag. Thankfully I found a bag that fits everything I need (and then some!), and a mini version for quick trips to the mailbox or a walk around the block.

diaper backpack with a ton of dividers and convenient pouches
- diaper backpack –> this one comes also with a change-mat (get 25% off almost all Itzy Ritzy swag with the code STEPHDM25) [click here for top 5 diaper backpacks]
- mini swaddle from lulujo as a burp cloth
- large swaddle (my favourite is from aiden and anais)
- travel size package of wipes (stored in an easy-access pouch)
- cotton cloth & travel-size pack of kleenex (stored in an easy-access pouch)
- hand cream (especially in the winter!)
- ’emergency’ hair kit for mom (bobby pins, elastics, clip, and fabric headband)
- half a roll of toilet paper (for those moments where you don’t need an entire kleenex, or when you’d need a few…)
- babywearing wrap (the Boba wrap is great for newborns!)
- my breastfeeding kit (nipple cream, reusable breast pads, cotton cloth–stored in a mini wet bag)
- hand towel (for those moments where you just need to put baby down!)
- disposable bag dispenser (for dirty diapers)
- diaper kit (a handful of diapers, baby wipes, diaper cream–handily together in a dual pouch wet bag that works for disposable or cloth diapers)
- spare clothes for mama (nursing top from ella bella maternity, an extra nursing bra, and disposable underwear for the first few weeks)
- spare clothes for baby (baby’s current size & one size up just in case you forget to switch it out in a few weeks–I keep mine in a wet bag so that the dirty ones don’t mess everything else up)
- my purse (bare basics only; technically a large wallet) & keys
- travel mug or water bottle
- a spare wetbag (just in case!)
I love this bag so much that I’ve ordered a mini version for strolls around the block, which is the perfect size to fit the bare essentials (cotton cloth, wipes, water bottle, mini swaddle, and wallet), or to act as my purse on my non-baby trips. I’ll post another photo once it arrives!
Onto the next adventure of parenthood!