World Prematurity Day 2014 | Parents of Preemies Association Ottawa

On behalf of Gatineau Newborn Photography and the  Ottawa Parents of Preemies Association, thank you for participating in the World Prematurity Day 2014 on Monday November 17th at the Roger Guidon Atrium (space between Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and the General Campus of the Ottawa Hospital).

To be notified when the images are ready, and to receive the log-in information please sign up for updates.

When the photos are ready, you will be able to log in using the link below and download the watermarked images to share with friends and family. You will also have the opportunity to purchase prints from the gallery, and all profits will be donated to the Ottawa Parents of Preemies Association.

baby newborn in mom arms snuggle smile sleepy new born photography photographer photos preemie ottawa gatineau charity donation

Thank you.
Parents of Preemies Association (PoPA) Logo Gatineau-Newborn-Photography-LOGO-250px

To view the photos, please visit the online sharing gallery:
Those who registered for the event will receive an email with the password once the images are ready. Only those who participated in the photo-booth will be able to download the images. Prints starting at 40$.